Catching Up

I now have a to-do list for blogging. Scary. But I am going to forget the things I want to say if I don’t write them down, so I made a list. It’s a long list. I’m very behind at blogging. I wish I felt worse about that, but it’s an easy thing to let slide.

At any rate, as an idea of how busy I’ve been, last week, I took a week’s vacation from my day job in order to officially open the LEPL, and ended up working 42 hours. 42 hours with a week’s vacation. And I didn’t have a wedding. Awesome.

The good news is, LEPL is officially open for business. My thanks to those of you who stopped in last week to let my volunteers practice issuing cards and checking out books. I hope you were impressed with the library. It’s been a huge learning process for me to have a library open and ready for business. I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished and what our incredible volunteers have managed to do.

Aside from that, not too much new, due to the job situation, but I do have some forthcoming blogs that will catch you up on my summer.

Thanks for the patience.

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